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Cheryl W. O'Malley, MD, MACP

Vice Chair, Council of Review Committee Chairs; Board Observer

Dr. Cheryl O’Malley is associate dean, Graduate Medical Education and designated institutional official at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix, and professor of Medicine. She has also served in numerous other significant leadership roles, including as program director for the internal medicine residency for 11 years, and as interim vice dean and LCME Faculty Accreditation Lead. She is one of the founding academic hospitalists at Banner-University Medical Center Phoenix, where she led the hospital medicine group and numerous quality improvement initiatives. 

Her excellence as a leader has been recognized with election and appointment to numerous national roles, including the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine Council, the Society of Hospital Medicine Pipeline Committee, the multi-stakeholder Internal Medicine Education Advisory Board, and the ACGME’s Review Committee for Internal Medicine.

In addition to her extensive local contributions recognized with numerous awards, including the inaugural Department of Medicine Academic Medal for Excellence in Clinical Education last June, Dr. O’Malley was named as a Master of the American College of Physicians in 2021.