Board of Directors
Toby Gordon, ScD
Dr. Toby Gordon is a business school professor with expertise in health care management and US and international health systems. She is a core faculty member in the Hopkins Business of Health Initiative and has joint appointments in health policy and management and surgery, all at Johns Hopkins.
After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, she coached the Hopkins women’s squash team while completing her graduate studies in public health. She served as vice president of the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System and as secretary to the Board of Johns Hopkins Medicine before joining the Carey Business School as a founding faculty member.
Dr. Gordon serves as a deputy director in the Johns Hopkins University Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR), an NIH Clinical Translational Science Award program. She was appointed to the American Board of Radiology Board of Governors in 2019 and to the ACGME Review Committee for Radiology as a public member in 2021.
A lifelong Baltimore resident, Dr. Gordon is engaged in local community service, including with the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission quality oversight committee and Maryland Statewide Advisory Commission on Immunizations. She has received numerous recognitions for her professional accomplishments and for civic and government volunteer efforts, including recognition as one of Maryland's Top 100 Women.
She spends as much time as possible on Martha’s Vineyard with her husband, two sons, and rambunctious Portuguese water dogs, taking art and writing classes, and feeding her adopted 650-pound Berkshire pig, Boris, at his farm.