Unlocking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Graduate Medical Education: An Interview with William McDade, MD, PhD
Last month, the ACGME launched the ACGME Equity Matters® Resource Collection in Learn at ACGME, the ACGME’s digital learning platform. This week, we asked ACGME Chief DEI Officer William McDade, MD, PhD about the purpose, impact, and functionality of this innovative set of resources the ACGME has gathered to help medical education organizations in their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts.
ACGME: Dr. McDade, can you start by explaining what the ACGME Equity Matters® Resource Collection is and how it aims to help ACGME-accredited Sponsoring Institutions and programs, and specialty organizations?
Dr. McDade: The Resource Collection is an amalgamation of ideas and strategies articulated by the GME community that the ACGME has compiled. It offers a wide range of approaches to promote DEI and health equity, and our aim is to empower institutions to implement strategies and initiatives that enhance DEI within their organizations through two main objectives: increasing physician workforce diversity; and building safe and inclusive learning environments.
These goals directly align with the ACGME’s Mission “to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education.”
ACGME: How was the Resource Collection developed, and what makes it unique?
McDade: The Resource Collection is crowdsourced from the GME community itself, making it a product of collective knowledge and experiences. It has been developed from approaches and ideas shared by ACGME-accredited Sponsoring Institutions and programs in the Annual Updates they provide to the ACGME each year, the ACGME Equity Matters Learning Communities, ACGME Annual Educational Conference abstract submissions, literature reviews, and submissions to the ACGME Barbara Ross-Lee, DO Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award. This ensures that the Resource Collection reflects real-world practices and challenges faced by the GME community.
The Resource Collection will be periodically updated as additional ideas are obtained from the sources listed above, and from new feedback regarding the success or lack thereof for particular strategies in the Collection. This is a dynamic resource, and users are invited to return to it for new approaches and updates.
ACGME: How can the Resource Collection improve GME outcomes, and what specific areas does it target?
McDade: The Resource Collection has the potential to make a significant impact in several key areas. It can enhance resident and fellow recruitment and retention, faculty member recruitment and retention, institutional and program pathway initiatives, and personnel practices. By providing structured, easy-to-use approaches to enhancing and improving DEI, the Resource Collection aims to improve health care outcomes overall.
ACGME: Improving health care outcomes is a crucial aspect of DEI. How does the Resource Collection promote health equity, and what strategies are shared to achieve this goal?
McDade: The Resource Collection shares strategies intended to increase physician workforce diversity and build safe and inclusive learning environments. By providing resources that address these specific objectives, we believe we can contribute to promoting health equity. Through approaches shared by the GME community, we can collectively work toward a more diverse and inclusive health care system.
It is important to note that while the ACGME does not endorse any specific tool or resource, it offers open access to the Resource Collection, along with other ACGME DEI resources, for the betterment of the entire GME community. The ACGME encourages organizations to leverage the Resource Collection to develop their educational programming and complement existing DEI approaches. The ACGME is committed to continually expanding and updating the Resource Collection, with the goal that it can serve as a platform for sharing experiences, foster a supportive community, and identify collaborative opportunities in DEI efforts.
ACGME: It's wonderful to see the emphasis on collaboration within the GME community. Can you explain how the Resource Collection works and how organizations can use it?
McDade: The Resource Collection provides a structured set of resources to help users implement DEI initiatives that are feasible and actionable for their institutions. View the Resource Collection as an à la carte menu of items that may or may not be suited to your needs.
To facilitate practical implementation, organizations can search for resources based on specific topics, cost to implement, level of effort, and time to see results. This flexibility allows them to tailor their DEI initiatives according to their unique circumstances and goals.
ACGME: Continuous improvement is essential in any endeavor. How does the Resource Collection ensure ongoing growth, and how can organizations contribute to its development?
McDade: We are committed to continually expanding and updating the Resource Collection. We believe in the power of shared experiences, and the Resource Collection provides opportunities for organizations to develop a community through these experiences of DEI implementation. We encourage organizations to share their insights, approaches, and successes, thus fostering collaboration and collective growth in DEI efforts.
ACGME: Is there anything else you would like to share about the ACGME Equity Matters® Resource Collection?
McDade: To encourage collaboration across the GME community, the Resource Collection will include Peer Mentors. A Peer Mentor in this context will guide other members of the GME community as they create and adapt DEI practices by providing an example of DEI-related work from their own institution(s) and/or program(s), as described in the Resource Collection. To volunteer, please visit: https://dl.acgme.org/pages/equity-matters-resource-collection-peer-mentor.
The ACGME Equity Matters Resource Collection offers a promising pathway toward a more inclusive and diverse future in GME. By leveraging the shared experiences and approaches of the GME community, it equips organizations with tools to drive meaningful change. Let us embrace the opportunity to create a health care system that values and celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion.
To access the ACGME Equity Matters® Resource Collection, visit https://dl.acgme.org/pages/equity-matters-resource-collection-home.