NEW! Registration Opens Next Week!
To prepare for registration, attendees should review the Hotel Room Block page for important booking information and check out the full session schedule!
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Recruiters, institutions, and programs have the opportunity to post open positions and reach thousands of graduate medical education (GME) community job seekers before and during the conference!
Learn More and View Current Job Listings
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NEW! Language Equity in Health Care Toolkit
The ACGME is excited to announce the availability of the new Language Equity in Health Care Toolkit, the product of a partnership with the American Medical Association, Association of American Medical Colleges, and National Council for Interpreting in Healthcare. The toolkit is part of ACGME Equity Matters®, with the goal of providing educational content and access to resources to improve language equity in health care and GME.
Patients with non-English language preference comprise over 20 percent of the US population and frequently experience worse outcomes and lower satisfaction in health care than English speakers due to miscommunication and harmful adverse events. The Language Equity in Health Care Toolkit consists of flexible learning opportunities, including videos, infographics, and interactive learning activities.
Access the Language Equity in Health Care Toolkit, available in Learn at ACGME. Note that a free account is required to access the toolkit.
NEW! Program Site Visit Update
As part of its commitment to program improvement, the ACGME will conduct site visits annually for about one to two percent of programs with a Continued Accreditation status. Programs will be selected through a random sampling process. These site visits are in addition to other types of site visits the ACGME may conduct. The site visits will help assess program compliance with the Common and specialty- or subspecialty-specific Program Requirements in support of the ACGME's Mission.
Programs selected for 2025 site visits will be informed of their future site visit target date in November 2024. The site visit target date is an approximate date when the site visit may be scheduled. Field Activities will contact programs to initiate scheduling of the site visit.
Email any questions to
NEW! Milestones National Report
The 2024 Milestones National Report is now available on the Research and Reports page of the Milestones section of the ACGME website.
The ninth edition of the Milestones National Report presents national Milestones data in aggregate form for the latest academic year (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024). The ACGME produces this report for every academic year so program leaders can compare national-level data in their specialties and subspecialties directly to their own program data.
For easier use and distribution, specialty-specific publications, including the applicable subspecialties, will be posted on each specialty's Milestones tab on the ACGME website as they become available.
Visit the Milestones section of the ACGME website for additional online resources and tools including the Milestones Guidebook, Milestones FAQs, Milestones Guidebook for Residents and Fellows, and the Clinical Competency Committee Guidebook.
TWO WEEKS! MUA/P Interest Group
The ACGME hosts a monthly virtual interest group session for GME community members involved in addressing the needs of MUA/Ps, which are places or communities with groups of people who have unmet health or health care needs.
Next Session: Tuesday, November 19 at 1:00 p.m. Central
Topic: Urban Underserved GME: A Pathway Program and State Funding
These one-hour Zoom calls will take place on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Central and are open to the entire GME community.
TWO WEEKS! Clinician Educator Journal Club
The ACGME's Clinician Educator Journal Club is a monthly online meeting on the third Thursday of each month gathering together current and future clinician educators, authors, and ACGME staff members to discuss the latest journal articles and timely topics in medical education. Participants should read the article ahead of time and come with questions.
Next Session: Thursday, November 21, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Central
Article: When We Fail
Speakers: Jason E. Liebowitz, MD, FACR
Once registered, add as an allowed email to receive monthly email updates and journal club meeting reminders; skipping this step may result in missing important information. Note: This email address does not receive emails.
For help with registration or a missing registration confirmation email, contact
2025 ACGME Award Winners Announced
The 2025 recipients of the ACGME Awards showcase the extraordinary contributions, diversity, and strengths of the GME community. The winners will be formally recognized at the 2025 ACGME Annual Educational Conference. Read the announcement in the ACGME Newsroom.
Congratulations to all the outstanding winners!
ACGME Equity Matters® Resource Collection
The ACGME is proud to announce the ACGME Equity Matters® Resource Collection, a comprehensive, wide-ranging resource for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) approaches in GME. It is designed to help Sponsoring Institutions, programs, and specialty organizations achieve their DEI goals, implement change in diversifying the physician workforce, create inclusive learning environments, and improve health care outcomes for all.
The Resource Collection provides examples of approaches that have been implemented successfully. By providing background information, literature-based evidence, and step-by-step tips, these approaches can be replicated or adapted by others seeking to enhance mission-driven efforts related to DEI. This resource is available on Learn at ACGME; a free account is required for access.
Access the ACGME Equity Matters® Resource Collection
Note: The ACGME does not endorse the use of any specific tool or resource.
Comment on Draft Preliminary Recommendations from the Advisory Commission on Additional Licensing Models
The Advisory Commission on Additional Licensing Models, co-chaired by the ACGME, Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), and Intealth, has released draft preliminary recommendations for public comment, aimed at guiding state medical boards and policymakers in developing new licensing pathways for internationally trained physicians.
The recommendations, which focus on eligibility requirements, are available for feedback until December 6, 2024, with final guidance expected in early 2025.
Learn more and share comments by visiting the FSMB website.
NEW! Case Log Update for Pediatric Anesthesiology
In response to research and information provided by the Society for Pediatric Anesthesiology, the Review Committee for Anesthesiology has approved changes to the Case Log requirements for the fellowship. These changes will go into effect July 1, 2026.
The 2026 Pediatric Anesthesiology Case Log Minimums document is available on the Documents and Resources page in the Anesthesiology section of the ACGME website.
Email questions to Executive Director Cheryl Gross.
NEW! Case Log Update for Orthopaedic Surgery
The new minimums for orthopaedic surgery are now available for review and reference on the ACGME website.
Several resources are provided on the Documents and Resources page of the Orthopaedic Surgery section, including:
- a document outlining the minimum numbers
- three separate documents providing background information on the updates:
Email with any questions.
NEW! Case Log Update for Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
The updated minimum numbers and categories for urogynecology and reconstructive pelvic surgery, which went into effect July 1, 2024, are now active in the Case Log System. Current fellows do not need to make changes to previously logged cases. Any changes needed will be made by the data team.
The new minimums are in effect for the 2025 URPS program graduates. Beginning with the 2026 graduates, failure to achieve a minimum may be subject to citation. While it is not anticipated that programs will have difficulty meeting the new minimums, any challenges should be addressed in the Major Changes and Other Updates section during the next Accreditation Data System (ADS) Annual Update.
Email questions to Executive Director Laura Huth.
Complement Increase Request Deadline for Emergency Medicine
Programs seeking a complement increase before the National Resident Matching Program® (NRMP) Match® deadline on January 31, 2025, should submit requests to the Review Committee for Emergency Medicine by December 20, 2024. Increase requests received after that date will not be considered in time to meet the deadline.
Email questions to Accreditation Administrator Bianca Andino.
Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Update
The Program Requirements for Neurodevelopmental Disabilities have been updated to include a new subspecialty-specific background and intent box following requirement II.A.3.b).(1). The updated requirements can be found on the Program Requirements, FAQs, and Applications page of the Neurology section of the ACGME website.
Complement Increase Request Deadline for Radiology
Programs seeking a complement increase before the NRMP Match deadline on January 31, 2025, should submit requests to the Review Committee for Radiology by December 20, 2024. Increase requests received after that date will not be considered in time to meet the deadline.
Email questions to Accreditation Administrator Bianca Andino.
Review Committee for Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Office Hours
Program leaders can meet with the ACGME Review Committee executive director and chair during the 2024 combined meeting of the Society of University Otolaryngologists and Head & Neck Surgeons, Association of Academic Departments of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, and Otolaryngology Program Directors Organization.
Appointments will be held on a first-come, first-served basis at the Hyatt Regency Phoenix on November 22, 2024.
Email Accreditation Administrator Deanna Eallonardo with questions or to schedule an appointment.
Permanent Complement Request Guidelines
The Review Committee for Surgery now requires all programs to complete the Institutional Operative Experience form with an application for a permanent complement increase.
Programs interested in having a permanent complement request reviewed at the January 2025 Review Committee meeting should send the completed form via email to Associate Executive Director Kelsey Sill, MHA by Monday, December 16.
Additional information about requests for changes in complement are available on the Documents and Resources tab of the Surgery section of the ACGME website.
NEW! Journal of Graduate Medical Education Articles of the Week
Providing Delayed, In-Person Collected Feedback From Residents to Teaching Faculty: Lessons Learned
Kathleen M. Finn, MD, MPhil; Michael G. Healy, EdD; Emil R. Petrusa, PhD; Leila H. Borowsky, MPH; Arabella S. Begin, MD, DPhil
Teaching faculty members want timely feedback to improve skills, but residents express concerns about anonymity when providing immediate feedback. This study examined internal medicine faculty member perceptions of resident feedback that was collected immediately after an experience but provided to the faculty members after residents graduated. Faculty members reported that the delayed feedback was of more value, quantity, and specificity, but had mixed preferences regarding timing.
Meet and Greet Sessions: A Unique Virtual Opt-Out Approach to Support Trainee Well-Being
Uma Anand, PhD; Carol Kirshnit, PhD; Margaret Rea, PhD
Lack of time, perceptions of stigma, fear of others’ perceptions and licensure issues, and financial constraints can prevent learners from seeking mental health care. Using an opt-out strategy for virtual, brief, individual, non-evaluative meetings with mental health counselors during orientation appeared acceptable, with half of the learners participating.
NEW DATES! Self-Empowerment Workshop for Coordinators
This online workshop will help coordinators grow their skills to empower themselves in GME, including detailed, practical strategies for acting as a leader in the coordinator role, successful networking, overcoming challenges to professionalism, promoting achievements, and effectively navigating complex interpersonal situations.
The workshop will run December 2-10, 2024, with a live virtual session on December 5 from 12:00-1:30 p.m. Central. Space is limited.
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Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment
This course is designed to help participants build effective assessment programs for their residency or fellowship and will provide a roadmap for developing an assessment system to assist participants in implementing changes within their own institution. Sessions are highly interactive and use multiple learning approaches, including simulation practice, peer consultations, and application exercises to provide participants with methods and tools for effective programs of assessment. Topics include assessment methods, feedback, direct observation, clinical competency committees, and more.
The spring 2025 course will be offered in Chicago, Illinois, in a six-day session. Registration will close March 3, 2025.
Email questions to
Faculty Development Hub Courses
In addition to offering the Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment course in Chicago, the ACGME collaborates with institutions and organizations in the US and abroad to offer scaled, tailored versions of the course. See below for open courses and visit the ACGME Faculty Development web page for more information.
- Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi (in person; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
- Oman Medical Specialty Board (in person; Muscat; Oman - email at link for details)
ACGME Seeks Resident/Fellow Members
The following Review Committees seek nominations for their next resident member position. Nominees must be enrolled in an ACGME-accredited residency or fellowship program at the time of the appointment and may not serve more than one year beyond completion of that residency or fellowship. The Review Committees will forward their selections to the ACGME Board of Directors for approval. Terms begin July 1, 2025, and end June 30, 2027.
TWO WEEKS! Transitional Year
Details: Additional information, including the nomination form, is available upon request.
Contact: Deneen McCall
Deadline: November 15, 2024
Proposed Requirements Revisions
The following Requirements and accompanying Impact Statements are posted for review and comment here:
Comment Deadline: November 20, 2024
Subspecialty Proposal
As part of the ongoing effort to encourage participation of the GME community and the public in the process of reviewing potential new specialties or subspecialties for accreditation, the ACGME offers a 45-day comment period to the community of interest regarding proposed new specialties and subspecialties. The subspecialty below is currently under consideration. Review the proposal and access the public comment form.
Comment Deadline: November 22, 2024
Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Career Opportunities
The ACGME is always interested in finding talented, dedicated individuals to join the organization and support its mission to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians' education through advancements in accreditation and education.