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February 10, 2025

February 10, 2025
NEW! Announcing ACGME Requirements Reformatting

As part of the Digital Transformation, all ACGME Requirements documents (Common Program Requirements, Institutional Requirements, specialty/subspecialty-specific Program Requirements, and Recognition Requirements) are being reformatted. The reformatted documents will be rolled out in phases between now and July 1, 2025. After that date, the ACGME will no longer use the roman numeral outline structure historically in place. This is a first step that will ultimately facilitate additional benefits and features not previously available to the GME community.

The reformatting includes a new numbering construct, eliminating the roman numeral outline structure and adopting the familiar structure of the ACGME Manual of Policies and Procedures. It also consolidates standards, reducing the number of sub-levels within a requirement.

Except for documents already undergoing revision, the content of the Requirements is not changing, just the formatting and numbering structure. The ACGME is providing crosswalk documents that map the old reference numbers to the new ones for each set of Requirements, and updating Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), applications, and other related documents and resources.


  • Today! February 10, 2025: Reformatted Common Program Requirements (Residency and Fellowship versions); Institutional Requirements; most specialty-/subspecialty-specific Program Requirements; and associated crosswalk documents posted on acgme.org
  • March 2025: Reformatted Common Program Requirements (One-Year Fellowship and Post-Doctoral Educational Program versions); remaining specialty-/subspecialty-specific Program Requirements; Recognition Requirements; and associated crosswalk and application documents posted on acgme.org
  • In conjunction with academic year rollover (June 30/July 1, 2025): Updated FAQ documents for reformatted Requirements; Selected Topics Across Requirements documents; and Faculty/Resident Survey Crosswalk documents posted on acgme.org

Reformatted Requirements and associated crosswalk documents have been posted on the respective Common Program RequirementsSpecialties, and Institutional Applications and Requirements pages on the ACGME website.

Email questions about the reformatting or timing of the rollout to ast@acgme.org.

2025 ACGME Annual Educational Conference branding; Meaning in Medicine, February 20-22, 2025; Nashville Online Registration Closed
Onsite Registration Available!

Activity Spotlight: Foundation for Hospital Art

Grab a paintbrush and join your colleagues at the canvas! The Foundation for Hospital Art will be set up in the Exhibit Hall, where attendees can participate in creating colorful artwork that will be donated to Neighborhood Health Clinics, which serve local Nashville communities. Foundation for Hospital Art logo and tagline - painting a brighter world

ACGME Annual Educational Conference Job Board
This excellent resource features a variety of open positions in GME, including roles for program directors and faculty members. The Job Board will remain active through March 31, 2025.
Email questions to conferencejobboard@acgme.org.
ACGME Cloud logo in red
NEW! Announcing the ACGME Cloud Pre-Launch Information Hub!
In December 2024, the ACGME announced that its new ACGME Cloud platform will be launching in 2025. In follow-up, a pre-launch information hub is now available at ACGMECloud.org.
This hub will serve as a central resource for the latest updates, details, and insights about the ACGME Cloud platform and its products, leading up to the official launch. The graduate medical education community is encouraged to visit ACGMECloud.org to explore:
  • Special announcements
  • Product overview
  • Product roadmap
  • FAQs
Make sure to bookmark the site and check back for new information and special announcements!
Email questions to cloud@acgme.org.

NEW! Advisory Commission on Additional Licensing Models Releases First Set of Recommendations
The Advisory Commission on Additional Licensing Models has released its first set of recommendations to guide and advise state medical boards, state legislators, policymakers, and others as they develop and implement laws specific to the licensing of physicians who have already trained and practiced medicine outside the US or Canada.
The Advisory Commission was formed in December 2023 by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), Intealth™, and the ACGME in response to increasing interest among state policy makers to improve patient access and reduce workforce shortages by changing licensure requirements for physicians who have completed training and/or practiced abroad. Some of these proposals bypass certain requirements, including requirements related to US postgraduate training, that are designed to ensure physicians have acquired the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes to provide safe and competent patient care.
Read the full release, including the nine recommendations, on the FSMB website.

NEW! Milestones PPV Report 2024 Available
This report presents the most updated predictive probability values (PPVs) for specialties and subspecialties with sufficient data for analysis serving as a tool to support resident and fellow development.
PPVs are estimates that Milestone ratings will fall below Level 4 at time of graduation, based on national longitudinal Milestone ratings. These values, presented in an intuitive heat map format, allow for early identification of individuals who may be at risk of falling behind—enabling timely remediation or individualized learning plans.
Find the report on the Research and Reports page in the Milestones section of the ACGME website.

TODAY! Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys
The reporting period for the ACGME’s annual Resident/Fellow and Faculty Surveys opens today and will run for eight weeks, ending April 4, 2025. The ACGME anticipates sending survey reports in early May.
The ACGME will send Sponsoring Institution and program leadership survey alerts at the beginning and throughout the administration period. Program leaders are still charged with alerting their survey takers regarding participation, using the existing mechanisms in ADS, during the survey administration period. Programs should review and, if necessary, update their Resident/Fellow and Faculty Rosters in ADS before the surveys open to ensure accurate scheduling of participants.

NEXT WEEK! Clinician Educator Journal Club
The ACGME's Clinician Educator Journal Club is a monthly online meeting on the third Thursday of each month gathering together current and future clinician educators, authors, and ACGME staff members to discuss journal articles and timely topics in medical education. Participants should read the article ahead of time and come with questions.
Next Session: Thursday, February 20, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Central
Speakers: Ryan E. Nelson, MD
Once registered, add acgme@theonlinexpo.com as an allowed email to receive monthly updates and journal club meeting reminders; skipping this step may result in missing important information. Note: This address does not receive emails. Send registration questions to virtualevents@acgme.org.

NEXT WEEK! MUA/P Interest Group Will Meet in Person at #ACGME2025
The ACGME hosts a monthly virtual interest group session for GME community members involved in addressing the needs of MUA/Ps, which are places or communities with groups of people who have unmet health or health care needs.  During the 2025 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, an in-person meeting of the interest group will take place.
Session: February 22, 2025 at 7:00 a.m. Central 
RSVP: Email muap@acgme.org to sign up. Space is limited to 50 participants.
Participants must also be registered for the conference to attend. Breakfast will be provided.
The meetings will continue in their virtual format in March. These one-hour Zoom calls will take place on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Central and are open to the entire GME community.
Session: March 18 at 1:00 p.m. Central
Topic: Place-Based Training in Rural and Underserved GME: How to Measure Where Residents Are Training

Register for the March Virtual Session
Take a Survey About Milestones 2.0
The ACGME, in collaboration with Dr. Laura E. Hirshfield, PhD, at University of Illinois Chicago, is soliciting the GME community’s perspectives and experiences regarding the implementation and use of Milestones 2.0 to inform the next iteration of the program. An email with a detailed description of the survey was sent January 30 and can be read here: 
Only aggregated summary results will be shared with the ACGME. By keeping the survey anonymous, the ACGME strongly encourages honest feedback to improve the Milestones framework to better serve the GME community and its learners. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete; submit answers by Sunday, March 30, 2025.
Direct questions to milestones@acgme.org or Dr. Hirshfield at lhirshf@uic.edu.

2026 ACGME Awards
The ACGME is accepting nominations for the 2026 ACGME Awards, which showcase the extraordinary contributions, diversity, and strengths of the GME community. Applications for the awards are available in the Awards section of the website. Nominations are due March 12, 2025.

NEW! Seeking Transitional Year Program Directors for Interviews
The Transitional Year Review Committee will soon begin work on the 10-year major revision of the Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Transitional Year. To inform this next set of Program Requirements, a series of activities designed to gather relevant information is planned, including a literature review; a series of one-on-one interviews with members of key stakeholder groups; development and administration of a survey on key issues relevant to transitional year education; and a stakeholder summit to be held in October 2025.
As this work begins, the ACGME seeks current transitional year program directors and program directors in specialties that require a fundamental clinical skill year who are interested in participating in a one-on-one, one-hour interview to provide their perspective on the future of transitional year residency education and/or those interested in participating in the Transitional Year Stakeholder Summit, scheduled to take place in person in Chicago on Friday, October 3, 2025.
Interested program directors should complete this form.
Email questions to AST@acgme.org.
FRIDAY! Review Committee for Orthopaedic Surgery Chair to Hold Office Hours in Nashville
Program leaders can meet with Chair Scott Porter, MD, MBA at the 2025 Council of Orthopaedic Residency Directors (CORD) Winter Conference. Appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. February 14 at the Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee.
Email Accreditation Administrator Stephanie Lose with questions or to schedule an appointment.
Nuclear Medicine Program Directors Sought for Interviews
The Review Committee will soon begin work on the 10-year major revision of the Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Nuclear Medicine. To inform this revision, activities planned include a literature review; one-on-one interviews with members of key stakeholder groups; development and administration of a survey on key issues relevant to nuclear medicine education; and a stakeholder summit to be held in 2025. As this work begins, the ACGME seeks 10 current nuclear medicine program directors to participate in one-on-one, one-hour interviews to provide their perspectives on the future of nuclear medicine residency education.
Interested program directors should complete this form.
Email questions to AST@acgme.org.

Leadership Skills Training Program for Chief Residents
The Leadership Skills Training Program for Chief Residents is designed to provide a transitional experience into the role of chief resident. The program introduces leadership concepts to enhance individual effectiveness in a leadership role. The program is three full days and is open to chief residents from all medical and surgical specialties. Nine sessions will be offered in Chicago in 2025:
  • March 24-26
  • April 7-9
  • April 13-15
  • April 16-18
  • April 28-30
  • May 5-7
  • May 8-10
  • May 19-21
  • May 28-30
Email questions to Bethanie Alden, MPA.
Register Today!
Developing Faculty Competencies in Assessment
This course helps participants build effective assessment programs for their residency or fellowship. Topics include assessment methods, feedback, direct observation, Clinical Competency Committees, and more. The spring course will be offered in Chicago, Illinois, in a six-day session March 30-April 4, 2025. Registration closes March 3, 2025. Email questions to facultydevelopment@acgme.org

NEW! Journal of Graduate Medical Education Articles of the Week
Strategies for Successfully Changing Specialty During Training 
Elizabeth M. Thackeray, MD, MPH; Mark J. Harris, MD, MPH
This Perspectives article presents a strategic approach to successfully changing specialty. The authors, who have experiences with making such a change, use real-life examples to illuminate potential motivations, pitfalls, and positive outcomes and offer a guide that can be used by a learner navigating this process themselves, or by faculty members mentoring a learner. 
Jessica Y. Chambers, MD, MPH, FHM, FACP; Jillian Rippon, MD; Daniel Ahle, MD; Xavier Le; Beth Miller, MD, MACP; Alejandro Moreno, MD, JD, MPH, FACP
Lack of confidence in explaining environmental health topics can affect both patient education and advocacy efforts. This Brief Report, published in the Climate Change and Graduate Medical Education supplement, shows where learners report low confidence in their ability to explain multiple environmental topics to their peers and may pave the way for curricular development that aligns with environmental justice education.