Med Ed

ACGME Honors Graduate Medical Education Community with Annual Awards

Twenty-five individuals and three institutions were recognized for innovation at Annual Educational Conference in San Diego, California.

February 2020
2020 ACGME Award recipients

Connect with JGME at #ACGME2020!

Now celebrating its 10th year of publication, JGME’s presence at the Annual Educational Conference has grown, and this year there are several ways to connect with JGME editors, staff members, and more at next week’s conference in San Diego.

February 2020
Recipients from the first round of Back to Bedside funding participated in a workshop during the Annual Educational Conference in March. Another session is planned for the recently announced second round of funding recipients.

A Resident’s Reflection on Participating in the QI to Eliminate Health Care Disparities Collaborative

Guest blogger Dr. Rui Jiang, a resident at Mount Sinai Hospital, which is a Pursuing Excellence site, reflected on her experience participating with the Pursuing Excellence Health Care Disparities Collaborative.

February 2020
Rui Jiang, MD

Back to Bedside Case Study: Back to the Future

This is one in a series of project profiles of the ACGME’s Back to Bedside initiative, which empowers residents and fellows to develop innovations that foster meaning and joy in work and engage their patients on a deeper level.

February 2020
Dr. James Wright guides a patient through a virtual reality simulation of the pending procedure

Back to Bedside Case Study: What’s in a Name?

This is one in a series of project profiles of the ACGME’s Back to Bedside initiative, which empowers residents and fellows to develop innovations that foster meaning and joy in work and engage their patients on a deeper level.

February 2020

Now Accepting Nominations for 2021 ACGME Awards

The ACGME just announced the call for nominations for the 2021 ACGME Awards cycle. Learn more about the Awards program and how to nominate an exemplary colleague!

February 2020

Back to Bedside Case Study: Resident Trading Card Program

This is one in a series of project profiles of the ACGME’s Back to Bedside initiative, which empowers residents and fellows to develop innovations that foster meaning and joy in work and engage their patients on a deeper level.

January 2020

#ACGME2020: The Mentor-Mentee Program

It's just a month until the 2020 ACGME Annual Educational Conference - learn more about the new Mentor-Mentee Program that will give attendees a unique opportunity to build and grow connections!

January 2020

#ACGME2020: A Handy Guide to Connecting with ACGME Staff Members at the Conference

The Annual Educational Conference not only facilitates great collegiality and networking, but also allows you to connect with ACGME leaders and staff members, to get detailed answers to your questions or simply to put a face with an email address.

January 2020