International attendees of the ACGME Annual Educational Conference, the largest gathering of graduate medical education (GME) professionals in the world, have access to ample activities and opportunities to maximize for the opportunity for learning, sharing, and networking. To help you make the most of the three days in Nashville, we’ve listed some of the highlights to help with your #ACGME2025 planning!
Network with the Global GME Community
With thousands of fellow GME professionals in attendance from all over the world, #ACGME2025 is the perfect place to grow your network. Take advantage of formal and informal opportunities to chat with global-minded peers.
The International Reception will be held on the evening of Friday, February 21, in Delta Island AB. This informal occasion brings together international attendees and others interested in global GME, as well as leaders and staff members from the ACGME (including ACGME Global Services) and ACGME International (ACGME-I). All conference attendees are welcome!
Visit the ACGME Hub in the Exhibit Hall, where you can speak with staff members representing various ACGME departments and initiatives. Like in previous years, ACGME Global Services and ACGME-I will team up at their joint ACGME Hub booth and will be available to answer any questions about international operations and accreditation, or just to chat and connect.
Breakfast, lunch, and refreshments will be available in the Exhibit Hall each day, so it’s also the perfect networking location throughout the conference. The Exhibit Hall opens with the Marvin R. Dunn Welcoming Poster Reception and Exhibitor Kick-Off on the evening of Thursday, February 20.
Finally, join new ACGME President and Chief Executive Officer (and Chair of the ACGME-I Board of Directors) Debra F. Weinstein, MD and the ACGME leadership for the annual Toast on the Terrace to close the conference Saturday afternoon, February 22. Mingle one last time with staff members from the ACGME and ACGME-I, as well as fellow attendees, and celebrate the learning and connections made during the conference.
Highlighting Research and Innovation
As an event promoting learning and sharing, a highlight of the ACGME Annual Educational Conference is the posters on display in the Exhibit Hall. They showcase the latest GME research and innovation from across the globe. As mentioned earlier, the Marvin R. Dunn Welcoming Poster Reception and Exhibitor Kick-Off marks the opening of the poster display area, and attendees can engage with researchers about their work.
Some of the posters presented by international scholars include:
- Burnout Screening, Prevention, and Management in ACGME-I-Accredited Residency and Fellowship Programs: A Survey of Program Directors
- Factors Influencing Psychological Safety in the GME Clinical Learning Environment
- Process Evaluation and Recommendations for Entrustable Professional Activities Implementation in Saudi Postgraduate Medical Education
Over the years, conversations held around the posters have led to further innovation and new research collaborations, making this an excellent opportunity to not just learn about current research, but also to network with colleagues to find paths for future partnerships – that we may see displayed at future conferences!
Register Today!
Online registration for the 2025 Annual Educational Conference closes January 29! Note that you must be registered for the conference in order to secure a hotel room in the conference room block, and hotels are filling quickly, so don’t hesitate and register as soon as possible!
Find additional detailed conference information on the conference website, and additional information for international attendees on the ACGME website.
We look forward to seeing everyone in Nashville next month!