#ACGME2025 for International Attendees: A Place for Learning, Sharing, and Connecting

There is no better place than #ACGME2025 to discuss issues affecting global GME. Learn, share, and connect at this premier event, and start planning your trip to Nashville!

September 2024

The ACGME and Global Health: International PGME Partnerships to Support Training Physicians into the Future

The next installment in the ACGME and Global Health series, this post summarizes the session "International PGME Partnerships to Support Training Physicians into the Future" from the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference.

May 2024

#ACGME2024 for International Attendees: How to Maximize Your Time

A spotlight on content and events that may appeal particularly to international attendees that we hope will help make your #ACGME2024 planning a little easier.

January 2024

#ACGME2024: Recognizing and Celebrating Awardees

The ACGME Annual Educational Conference provides a wonderful opportunity to recognize the recipients of prestigious national and international awards.

November 2023

#ACGME2024 for International Attendees: New Page, Program Details, and More!

The ACGME is looking forward to engaging with friends and colleagues, old and new, from around the globe at the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference!

November 2023

The ACGME and Global Health: The Concept of Glocalization in Health Care Provision

Glocalization impacts the health care and health care education sectors in numerous ways, each with assorted benefits and challenges.

November 2023

A Look at What’s Available at #ACGME2024 for International Attendees

Read an overview and highlight reel of some of what the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference will offer, and about the numerous opportunities available to attendees from across the globe.

September 2023

#ACGME2023 Day 3 Recap

The third and final day of the 2023 ACGME Annual Educational Conference was bookended by important plenaries – the first Coordinator Plenary, the Marvin R. Dunn Keynote Address, and Closing Plenary.

February 2023

Journal Notes: A Talk with International JGME Associate Editor Halah Ibrahim, MD, MEHP

The next in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education’s (JGME’s) Journal Notes series features a conversation with Dr. Halah Ibrahim, a JGME associate editor from Khalifa University College of Medicine in Abu Dhabi.

January 2023